The Black Universes

The Black Universes: analysis of radiation and expected antimatter in the known universe to demonstrate the unequivocal existence of a universe inside a black hole and to extrapolate an infinity of similar Black Universes

Francisco J. Brenes, PhD. Candidate, MIT (*)

Hawking and Penrose correctly theorized that, upon a massive star’s collapse, a black hole would be produced, literally swallowing all matter within the event horizon. What neither physicist have touched upon so far is what happens to all that matter inside a black hole, allowing the author to theorize that the law of thermodynamics as we currently know them are what define exactly what happens inside a Black Hole, since that is exactly where our universe lies. Implying this allows us to theorize furthermore than an infinite amount of universes possibly exist inside all black holes, allowing our universe to have sub-universes that have been created upon the explosion of stars ad infinitum.

“At the beginning, there was nothing” or so reads the Bible. Although the author is far from a religious person and given that the analysis that allowed this theory has passed all peer reviews, one can state that for once, that book had the right words to begin the history of this universe, although its creator was a massive destructive/formative energy and nothing else. Given that the creation of a black hole happens at an upper level (what we’re going to call the Mother Universe), there was certainly nothing in the first instants of the star implosion onto a Black Hole, and moreover, the first thing that this universe happened to have was light. The density expected at big bang levels for all the known energy and mass in the universe allows us to suppose that instead of having a finite and infinitely dense point of energy as our starting point, what we had was energy and matter being funneled from the Mother Universe to this universe of ours until no more matter was available for the Black Hole to swallow. This by no means contradicts the Big Bang theory but refines it to a point where what we saw (had there been an observer at the time) was a mass/energy heterogeneous line coming straight at us, pretty much like a rabbit would see headlights on a foggy night coming his way until he realizes that that light is followed by what seems to him is infinite mass.

Einstein theorized that the space-time continuum curved because of gravity pulls from existing bodies all over the universe, allowing space curls and wormholes from one side to the universe to the other. However, what Einstein didn’t foresee at the time was that the gravity pull had a complement in the force exerted by what we have been calling the origin point for the Big Bang, which, given the difference in microwave radiation all over our universe, also pushes the author to theorize that the way energy and matter were funneled to create this universe was through some kind of porous funnel, where very small amounts of primeval energy exploded far away from the main focal energy point (M-fep), thus allowing for imperfections in the microwave radiation spread.

Going back to Hawking, he theorized that a black hole could be eventually used as a massive computer after demonstrating that information in the shape of energy packets could be thrown at a Black Hole and that data, although unknown how precise or related to the original packets it would be, could come out of the black hole after being processed. If this creates a problem because of the law of thermodynamics, we need to ask ourselves why we are having an energy output from what we have always thought of as an inescapable field. The capability of antimatter to remain not only hard to notice but below expected percentages given the abundance of matter in our universe creates the possibility of antimatter using the same porosity initially used by light/matter to come to our universe not only through the M-fep to get out of it in discrete packages that are smaller than the counterparts that remain with us.

Can these findings be extrapolated to black holes we’ve identified within our universe? Most definitely. There is no room for doubt that what happened in the Mother Universe is being replicated not only in our universe but also in other possibly created universes in black holes in the Mother Universe and within our own. This theory is compatible with the n-universe theory but refutes the probability that a whole new universe can be created every time a decision is made (what is known amongst peers as the Brown-McFly improbability). The amount of energy required to have this infinite amount of universes is prohibitive; however, n-universes being created at Black Hole Creation Intervals (BHCI) gives the Mother Universe enough time to transform the required amount of matter to energy.

Footnotes pending.

(*) not really


beatmaster23 said…
space circles might be related to this fake article that now sounds closer to a true one!
beatmaster23 said…
you might be getting closer to the truth:
beatmaster23 said…
10 years after, and this new theory is even closer to my Black Universes one: Black Holes Are 'Portals to Other Universes,' According to New Quantum Results.
Unknown said…
Was thinking about this theory last night. Really interesting article. Wondering if Black Holes only create other separate universes or if they can also be tunnels back to different points within the same universe where the black hole was formed. If so, what do you think would cause latter situation to occur?
Jrich said…
How was the Mother Universe created?

Unless the concept/reality of "infinity" exists beyond current human comprehension.

Is there a mathematics or advanced method of measurement to explain how the Mother Universe was created outside the concept/reality of infinity?
Jrich said…
Could "black holes" be something exotically different from our current accepted explanation?

Hence, there's plenty of room for more attempts to theorize what black holes could be
Anonymous said…
Causes me to think of a Klein bottle.