My Star Wars dream from last night

I had this dream last night.

A group of 4 normal looking people are walking on a crowded street, with a smartphone-looking device guiding their way. One of them asks "are you sure we're in the right place?" and another guy simply nods and keeps walking.

They soon arrive to what looks like a third-world car mechanic shop from the outside, but peering in, they sense something: the place is immaculate, with cars and tools precisely placed where they are supposed to be and what looks like a special project, hidden in the middle of it. This could be it, they say.

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They start walking around the shop, looking at all things, but when they get close to this special project, one of them produces a photo that looks strikingly similar to what they're seeing with their own eyes. "This is where it begins", one of them says.

One of the 4 guys turns to see two plastic toys on a shelf. There's no doubt: it's R2D2 and BB-8. He grabs them and then the owner approaches and asks the guy what is he doing with those toys and if he can help them all with anything.

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They look at the owner and point at his special project in the shop and ask him: "you're creating something very special there... can you tell us more about it?". Just when the owner is about to tell them about his attempt to create an AI-driven, fully functional R2 unit from scratch, one of the 4 guys looks outside and see 3 very tall men.

"It's them! Let's get outta here!", he says to the other 3.

Without missing a beat, all 4 step out of the shop, with the owner looking at them, baffled about the whole situation.

What came afterwards was a 3-car & foot chases around town, with the 4 people split 2-1-1 being followed by the very tall men. Eventually the 4 manage to lose the very tall men and are reunited in a sketchy hotel in a sketchy part of town. The 4 time & space travelers are talking about what to do next to protect the R2 creator.

--- END OF DREAM --- 
