herb kohl, miembro demócrata del senado, quizo investigar por qué las compañías telefónicas aumentaron sus costos de mensaje de texto. el artículo está en inglés(lo pueden leer en su totalidad aquí y la carta original del senador kohl a las compañías telefónicas aquí), y la conclusión inmediata es que nos cobran por algo que debería ser gratis!
asumiendo que nuestro sistema de telefonía celular no sea muy diferente del que se tiene en estados unidos (con la excepción de los "planes todo incluido" que sí existen allá), esta explicación deja cualquier propuesta de aumento del ice como inválida.
"kohl's letter of inquiry noted that ‘text messaging files are very small, as the size of text messages are generally limited to 160 characters per message, and therefore cost carriers very little to transmit.’
a better description might be ‘cost carriers very, very, very little to transmit.’ a text message initially travels wirelessly from a handset to the closest base-station tower and is then transferred through wired links to the digital pipes of the telephone network. then, near its destination, it is converted back into a wireless signal to traverse the final leg, from tower to handset. in the wired portion of its journey, a file of such infinitesimal size is inconsequential.
perhaps the costs for the wireless portion at either end are high - spectrum is finite, after all, and carriers pay dearly for the rights to use it. but text messages are not just tiny; they are also free riders, tucked into what's called a control channel, space reserved for operation of the wireless network. that's why a message is so limited in length: it must not exceed the length of the message used for internal communication between tower and handset to set up a call. the channel uses space whether or not a text message is inserted."
¿será que vamos a seguir soportando más aumentos cuando la plata no da para tanto?