this time, it's from the point of view of a couple of australians who come here to open a bar, kashmir.
the bar will open its doors this friday and i guess everybody in this country will be there, just to get a chance to be on the reality show, sadly called "no way san josé"... i'm sure there could have been better titles than that.
anyway, what better way to open a bar in san josé than to have it all financed by a reality show... excellent marketing campaign, mates!
as for those interested in the trailer for the reality show, here it is.
as for those interested in the trailer for the reality show, here it is.
to top it all, gandhi will be playing an acoustic set. as we say here, a pair of tits can pull more than a pair of oxen.
enjoy the demo for gandhi's una ilusión (more mp3s available on their site).